Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Nature's Calling

In a perfect cove the sun is warm
She is ....   Vital      vitality       re-stored        re-newed

Slight curve gives me shelter
Hot sun warms my body 
I know the wind, oh so well
She is cool and strong! 

I am  in my cove, I am sheltered
I hear the crashing and colliding of waves, air and ancient voices
They are blending and tending Love and Devotion for this Planet and Her People
Echoing the sounds and songs of ole...
never forgotten......
only re-membering ........

All is not lost, only sheltered
not only from the shivering
from the  loving, quaking, shaking, flying and trembling moments of pure 
roaring to our utmost play full experiences

She  is asking us to pay close attention to the Beauty that is here now
She is asking us to Be surrendering
of our anticipation and interpretation of fear and doubt

She calls, 

Come play by the seashore of your greatest gifts
Let the water, waves and light ignite your will and purpose for this planet and Her Mighty Power! 

Soaring high on currents that run between us, 
She now asks , what is real and what is right?

Come play with me she invokes
as the roar turns calm
the green streams toward the shoreline
And before my eyes
 cast beneath the crumble and back spray of another day
there arises a new Dawn~