Monday, March 23, 2015

Good day!
Welcome to my first blog entry ever! 
This blog will  embrace my everyday extraordinary experiences, where I can write about possibilities that I want to share with the world.
My intent with this blog is to bring JOY and POSSIBILITY! 
To connect with other people and to express possibility of a greater kinder knowing from real experiences I have. Opening to and following my heart to rediscover who I really am! OPA!!

This was a blessedly good cup of tea! So incredibly delicious, I was looking forward to thoroughly enjoying it .
After mediation, I decided to stretch and stretch and stretch, until......
I shared this blessedly good cup of tea with my floor.
I am considering  the myriad of ways that I could have responded and here is what actually happened:
I got up, I stood there, I gazed upon this spill, I stayed  relaxed and this incredible thought came to me and that was "how everything is working together for my good! "
I giggled~ I smiled  ~ I noticed how I didn't feel like I had to stop my good feelings or good ideas and fix anything! 
This was a blessedly beautiful miracle of it's own kind. 
Instead I felt inspiration and I got out my camera and took a photo and decided, in that moment, that I was going to share this moment on this blog.

It's funny how many good things  popped into my mind from just this one moment in my morning. I was delighted to hear sayings in my head like; My cup is running over, Peace and Joy are in every moment, Everything is working together for my good, Stretching expands your awareness, How you live in every moment is a choice, Choose Joy.............

The JOY IS : 
 that is in this picture, it does appear that my cup is running over! In fact, it's so full, it's spilled out and knocked the cup over! 
The spilling has helped me wash my floor (LOL!) 
I didn't freak out, I just stood back and looked at it and I had to smile. 
I felt JOY! Then the smile tickled my brain and I thought,"that was a blessedly good cup of tea " and the next thought was "what a great name for my blog site and first entry, where's my camera?"
Everything I heard, that was positive, was true! I was truly inspired and ran with it!
And now I do feel my cup is running over with possibilities  and I feel I have choices to see my life as an integral part of the whole, just by being authentic, hearing the positive in a seemingly  untimely mess, and following my heart to write and share about a daily experience that I could  allow myself to feel good  about myself or send me into a space of disgruntled emotions. Either way, I would  be sharing this attitude with my world today.
Yes, I have responsibilities to take care of today and that spill did not slow me down in the least! It actually has motivated me and  given me a renewed sense of energy!
My life has it's up and downs and will continue to flow.  And for today, I choose to see that everything is working together for my good and that when I change my perception I can change my actions and today I choose to act from Joy! I feel good and  want to share it!!

Thank you for reading this post  and in  joy your way today!
ps~ I am so grateful that my floor is cleaner too!